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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Invasive cattail leaf rockets

 Invasive cattails, especially Narrow-leaved Cattail (Typha angustifolia)
 grow rapidly and crowd other plants species, and also provide poor habitat.  But they can make great leaf rockets.  Click on the image (right) or on this link: 

to see the simple trick.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Guest Blogger Amelia Keng: How can technology-research reduce droughts in California?

How can technology-research reduce droughts in California?

By: Amelia Keng

Photo Source: World Atlas

For many years, California has not had an abundance of water. Climate change is only making conditions worse for farmers, city dwellers, and nature as they continue to have a lack of water. According to, as of 2022, the state of California is experiencing 99.77% of moderate to exceptional drought. This means that around 37,243,577 of Californians are in drought, due to the significant lack of precipitation and groundwater. Although in the past years, California has seen a